Success Stories
Building Confidence and Community: Marcus P.
When Marcus P. was a rising junior in high school, he was invited to check out StepUp’s Real World Program by his friend. Eager to acquire business skills and intrigued by the positive things he had heard about the teen program, Marcus decided to give Real World a try.
Birth of a Success: LaRonda M.
When LaRonda M. first started StepUp, she thought it might be a waste of time. Having been part of many programs, she was skeptical of starting a new one because she was sick of all the false starts and false hope. But, after hearing about StepUp from our partner InterAct, she worked to complete her first phase of StepUp and changed her mindset tremendously.
Overwhelmed to Overjoyed: Ashley H.
With five small children and working long, tiring hours, Ashley H. did not have the work-life balance she craved. She felt the burden of everything and everyone depending on her and faced major challenges after losing her employment and having to move due to safety reasons. Then she heard about StepUp.
Polished and Accomplished: Ogerta
“Thanks to StepUp, I am a more polished professional now. After eight months of searching and failing on my own, I was offered two great job opportunities within a week, starting with StepUp. Now, I’m happily employed and able to support my family.”
Family Ties: Makenzie H.
Five-year-old Makenzie H. is very confident in the reasons why she loves StepUp Ministry’s Children’s Program. “I like playing with toys, playing with my friends, and playing outside. I like to have fun and love to learn about EVERYTHING! It is super fun!! We get to have dinner, learn about all types of things, meet new people, and make new friends!”
Finding Fulfillment: Collin R.
Collin discovered StepUp Ministry after quitting a job he found unfulfilling and draining. “My last job did not see value in me…
Children’s Program to Real World Program: Jordan G.
As a child, Jordan was enrolled in StepUp Ministry’s Children’s Program when his mother became part of our Life Skills Program…
And She Persisted: Nickia B.
Nickia B. is currently employed at Duke University School of Medicine, but her story did not begin there – she first learned about StepUp Ministry from her probation officer…
Tragedy to Triumph: Shannon B.
Shannon B. had a strong, loving upbringing where she and her 7 siblings were supported well by her mom and dad.
However, tragedy struck when she was 15 years old: her dad died…
Overcoming Loss: Serenity H. J.
Serenity H. J. overcame losing her job, the loss of her mother, and homelessness through the support of StepUp Ministry…
Winging It Wasn’t Working: Patrick B.
When Patrick B. first came to StepUp Ministry, he was approaching life without a strategy or vision: “My mentality was out of sight, out of mind. I was winging life.”
Developing Clarity: Eva N.
Eva N. is currently employed in the healthcare division of the Veterans Affairs (VA).
And it was at StepUp Ministry that Eva paved the pathway to this job…
Renewed Mindset: Donna F.
Before Donna F. came to StepUp Ministry, she was making a dollar a day, sleeping on a hard bunk, and living in a secured trailer with 20-plus other women: “I literally had nothing but a renewed mindset.”
Finding Fun: Amonie H.
Amonie H. is 8 years old and attends StepUp with her mom and three siblings. When asked about life before StepUp, she shares this: “It was fun, but it has definitely been more fun now.”
Thinking Differently: Alexa C.
Alexa C. first came to StepUp Ministry because her mom sent her.
However, after spending more time in the Real World Program, she wanted to come…
Real World Impact: Brianna D.
Brianna D. first experienced StepUp Ministry through the Children’s Program. At that time, her mom was a StepUp participant, so Brianna would engage with other children whose parents were also in life skills classes. Years later, she is still connected to StepUp…
Committing to Life Skills: Dana W.
Dana W. describes her journey through life as “moving fast but going nowhere.” Instead of staying on an aimless hamster’s wheel, she decided to pursue a new path at StepUp Ministry…
The Possibilities of Tomorrow: Facial A.
Facial A. was faced with a devastating loss in 2016 when her husband passed away. But instead of seeking the support she needed, Facial turned to drugs and alcohol as coping mechanisms. This led to negative consequences, a very low point in her life where she realized she needed to make changes in her life…
Back on Track: William B.
This is William B. He is 50 years old and has lived in Raleigh most of his life. During William’s teenage years, he started to experiment with substances and alcohol as a way to fit in. Soon after that, school was no longer his priority and his grades started failing…