And She Persisted: Nickia B.
Nickia B. is currently employed at Duke University
School of Medicine, but her story did not begin there – she
first learned about StepUp Ministry from her probation
At the time she began coming to StepUp, Nickia was facing homelessness, financial strains, credit hindrances, and self-esteem challenges. “I felt like a dark cloud followed me everywhere,” she shares.
Joining StepUp did not make Nickia’s life instantly easier: “I was evicted a couple times during my time at StepUp. I also had childcare issues.” And yet she persisted. Nickia showed up week after week, fueled by the community of StepUp and what it offers. “I LOVED listening to everyone’s weekly joys on Tuesday night,” she says.
StepUp also provided a platform for Nickia to build upon her professional goals. “Through my co-partner and her networks, I was able to travel to Napa Valley and shadow one of the country’s top destination wedding planners. I also received my Event Planning Certification.” Because of the employment skills training and experience she attained at StepUp, Nickia was able to secure employment at N.C. State University and eventually her current role at Duke University.
Today Nickia is a member of the StepUp Alumni Program, where she has learned to strengthen her understanding of how her core values shape her pursuit of goals. She is grateful for the professional and, more importantly, personal connections she now has at StepUp: “I’ve gained a family that’s not mine biologically but is through love and unmatched support.”