Finding Fun: Amonie H.
Amonie H. is 8 years old and
attends StepUp with her mom and 3
When asked about life before StepUp, she shares this: “It was fun, but it has definitely been more fun now.”
StepUp is every Tuesday night and Amonie comes prepared. This includes having a good mindset, being ready to learn new things, and getting to see and play with her friends.
Amonie has been learning new stuff at StepUp and already knows what it is like to accomplish something! For example, she made goals for herself to not be so shy and be more outgoing – she has achieved those goals.
When asked about one of her favorite parts about StepUp, Amonie mentioned the StepUp Store! StepUp kids earn StepUp Bucks for good behavior and achieving their goals. After what feels like a long time, all the kids go to the StepUp Store and shop for games and toys using those bucks. This teaches them how to earn money and save it and then spend it on fun stuff. Amonie really likes StepUp. She says, “StepUp is a joyful, fun place! I think
everyone should come to StepUp.”
StepUp is a joyful, fun place. And kids like Amonie are one of the reasons why.