Finding Fulfillment: Collin R.
Collin discovered StepUp Ministry after quitting a job he found unfulfilling and draining.
“My last job did not see value in me as an employee.” While visiting NC Works seeking employment help, Collin was referred to StepUp by one of their employees. He will be forever grateful for that recommendation.
With a newfound focus on finding a job that valued him, he reached out to StepUp. “Initially, I thought that StepUp was just an employment recruiter of some sort, but I didn't realize how well-rounded it was and that it could help in all aspects of life.” After seeing the impact StepUp had on others in similar situations, he began to understand its value.
As he looks back on his StepUp journey now, he realizes one of the most important lessons he learned was humility. Whenever he thought he knew everything, he found out there was always something new to learn - or relearn. “My experience has been enlightening. I've rethought how I think about obtaining employment. I have also learned how to humble myself while being confident in the skills that I have. I can't stress enough that I had to open myself enough to RELEARN because there have been times when I thought I knew everything and learned something new.”
When asked the advice he’d give others who are where he used to be, Collin shared: “Take the step - no pun intended. The least you can do is learn something new or an approach that you haven't considered.”
And when you take that step, he hopes it’s with StepUp. “I've seen the dedication and commitment StepUp has for helping the community. StepUp wants to see everybody win; they really care. They will put you in front of the people you need to talk to or give you the resources you need to be successful. They put in so much effort because they truly want everybody who attends the classes to be successful.”