Winging It Wasn’t Working: Patrick B.
When Patrick B. first came to StepUp
Ministry, he was approaching life without a
strategy or vision: “My mentality was out of sight,
out of mind. I was winging life.”
He was also skeptical about what StepUp had to offer. “I thought it would be something I would not get value from and would consume my time,” he shares. However, his experience at StepUp proved to be very different from what he expected.
As Patrick took classes at StepUp, he began to embrace the idea of inward and outward accountability, even when it is uncomfortable.
More specifically, Patrick learned how to meet his needs, set boundaries, and build financial management skills: “Learning how to budget helped me not only foreshadow the future, but also address the leaks in my finances.”
Another aspect of Patrick’s StepUp experience included getting connected with a mentor. His mentor had critical conversations with him and encouraged Patrick to stretch himself: “He was gentle but firm about how my poor decisions were affecting what I was looking to achieve.” Through that mentorship, Patrick developed more discipline and learned how to cast a vision for himself.
Today Patrick is a full-time entrepreneur. On a daily basis, he uses skills learned at StepUp, including vision casting and goal-centric strategies. He is also proactive about identifying what he wants to achieve and taking the necessary steps towards it.
Instead of winging life, Patrick now approaches it with tenacity.